Managing Group Permissions in Django: Everything You Need to Know
April 11, 2023

Managing user access to your web application is an essential aspect of web development. Creating groups and assigning access to these groups is one of the best practices for user management. This way, you can ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data or conduct specific activities in this manner.
Django, a popular Python web framework, offers an excellent feature to manage group permissions. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about managing group permissions in Django. We will go over how to create groups, assign permissions, and use them in your views and templates.
Understanding Django’s Authentication and Authorization System
Before diving into group permissions, it’s essential to understand Django’s authentication and authorization system. Authentication is the process of verifying a user’s identity, while authorization is the process of determining if a user has the necessary permissions to perform an action or access certain data.
Django provides a built-in User model and authentication system, making user authentication simple. The User model includes fields like username, password, email, first_name, and last_name. It also has a built-in method called check_password(), which allows you to verify a user’s password.
For authorization, Django provides a permissions system that allows you to control which users can perform specific actions. Permissions are a combination of an app label and an action, like “blog.add_post” or “blog.delete_post.” Each Django model has default permissions for add, change, and delete operations.
Creating Groups in Django
Groups are an efficient method of managing permissions for multiple users. Instead of assigning individual permissions to each user, you can create a group, assign permissions to the group, and then add users to the group. This way, all users in the group will have the same permissions, making it easier to manage access control.
To create a group, you can use Django’s built-in Group model, which is part of the django.contrib.auth.models module. The Group model has a name field and a ManyToManyField for permissions. Here’s how to create a new group and add permissions to it:
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission
# Create a new group
new_group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='Editors')
# Get permissions for the group
add_post_permission = Permission.objects.get(codename='add_post')
change_post_permission = Permission.objects.get(codename='change_post')
# Add permissions to the group
new_group.permissions.add(add_post_permission, change_post_permission)
Assigning Groups to Users
Now that you have created a group and assigned permissions to it, you need to add users to the group. You can do this using the User model’s groups field, which is a ManyToManyField for groups.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
# Get a user
user = User.objects.get(username='john_doe')
# Add the user to the group
Checking User Permissions
To check if a user has a specific permission, you can use the user.has_perm() method. This method takes the permission name as an argument and returns True if the user has the permission, and False otherwise.
# Check if the user has the 'add_post' permission
if user.has_perm('blog.add_post'):
print('User can add posts')
print('User cannot add posts')
You can also use user.has_perms() method to implement the same for multiple permissions:
# Check if the user has the 'add_post' permission
if user.has_perms(['blog.add_post', 'blog.change_post']):
print('User can add and change posts')
print('User cannot add/change posts')
Note that both has_perm and has_perms methods will always return True for superusers and False for inactive users.
Using Group Permissions in Views and Templates
Now that you know how to create groups, assign permissions, and check user permissions, you can use this information to control access in your views and templates.
In views, you can use the user_passes_test decorator to restrict access to a view based on a user’s permissions. For example:
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test
# Define a test function that checks if the user can add posts
def can_add_posts(user):
return user.has_perm('blog.add_post')
# Use the user_passes_test decorator to restrict access
def add_post_view(request):
# Your view logic here
In templates, you can use the {% if %} tag and the “perms” template variable to conditionally display content based on a user’s permissions.
The current user’s permissions are stored in the template variable {{ perms }}. This is an instance of django.contrib.auth.context_processors.PermWrapper, which is a template-friendly proxy of permissions. To check if the logged-in user has the permission to add a post:
{% if %}
<a href="{% url 'add_post' %}">Add Post</a>
{% endif %}
To wind up
Managing group permissions in Django is an essential feature for controlling access to your web application. By using Django’s built-in authentication and authorization system, you can ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data or perform certain actions, improving the security of your application.